Production Line Tool Set Plts For Arcgis
ArcGIS Desktop applications can be customized to automate GIS tasks or create unique workflows and environments suitable for your organization. The following are the four ways you can customize ArcGIS Desktop applications:. Configure the application user interface (UI), such as rearranging toolbars, tools, commands, and dockable windows. Python scripting to automate workflows.
Develop add-ins to create custom applications and extensions for ArcGIS Desktop. Develop custom components to add new functionality to ArcGIS applications. The following are examples of UI configurations:. You can add or remove new commands and tools on to the application's toolbar from the Customize dialog box. You can create new toolbars and menus, or rearrange existing toolbars and menus to group the commands and tools that are frequently used. You can drag and drop geoprocessing tools and models on to the application's toolbar from the Customize dialog box.
Tool Set Amazon
You can hide and show, or close dockable windows, such as the Search window, table of contents (TOC), and so on. Dockable windows can also be positioned to float or remain docked in a specified area in the application. You can assign and work with default geographic data (via templates). ArcGIS Desktop provides automation through geoprocessing tools and ModelBuilder, which requires no coding. However, you can use scripting to automate batch processing of a number of different and large datasets, map documents (.mxd) and layer (.lyr) files. You can automate execution of simple repeatable tasks and complex processes that invoke other built-in geoprocessing tools. The scripts must be authored based on arcgisscripting and the arcpy.mapping module using the Python scripting language. The arcgisscripting module provides Python functions to access data and data properties.
By using the Python functions in your script, you can automate data conversions, load data into geodatabases, project a set of feature classes, and so on. The following are the advantages of scripting with Python:. Automate geoprocessing tasks with a single tool, multiple tools, or with other custom scripts tools. Schedule the script's execution to run daily and weekly, or daily or weekly without user interaction. Interoperable with other Python based third-party libraries and scientific packages available for advanced analysis.
Drag-and-drop script tools on to the application's toolbar for easy access. Easy to share and can be executed independent of the ArcGIS Desktop application UI across any platform.
The following are the advantages of custom components:. You can create custom components that are specific to your data, domain or organization by leveraging the wide spectrum of ArcObjects APIs. You can build domain specific customizations and advanced extensions. Some of the ArcGIS extensions, such as Production Line Tool Set (PLTS) for ArcGIS are examples of advanced application extensions created by extending the ArcObjects framework.
Can be easily delivered to end users via custom setup programs. Building standalone applications with ArcGIS Engine and ArcGIS DesktopStandalone applications leverage the functionality available through the ArcGIS Desktop and ArcGIS Engine applications while providing a customizable user experience. These applications can take advantage of the mapping functionality available through ArcObjects without requiring the use of the ArcGIS Desktop applications.
Developers often create the following types of applications:. Cost-effective ArcGIS Engine applications for mapping and visualization. Stand-alone Windows form applications with embedded geographic information system (GIS) functionality. Command-line applications utilizing ArcObjects functionality without a graphical user interface (GUI) to perform large processing tasks. You can build a number of different types of applications using ArcGIS Server. If you are working with the ArcGIS Server ArcObjects API using the Microsoft.NET Framework, you can build server applications, such as Web applications, Web services, desktop client applications, and mobile applications.
If you are using ArcGIS Engine, you can build desktop applications that work with ArcObjects both locally and remotely via ArcGIS Server. If you are using ArcGIS Desktop, you can extend ArcGIS Desktop applications to include functionality that uses the geographic information system (GIS) server.