Network Security Lecture Notes Pdf
TextbooksThe required textbook for the course is Computer Networking- A Top Down Approach Featuring the Internet Second Edition byJames Kurose and Keith Ross (Addison Wesley). It is available inthe CMU Bookstore. Almost all the material that we will cover isin the textbook, although we may cover it in a differentorder.There are two recommended texts which are useful references(especially if networking becomes your career). You can get thebest price on them by ordering from an on-line bookstore. TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1: The Protocols byW.
Richard Stevens. Unix Network Programming: Networking APIs: Sockets andXTI (Volume 1) by W.
Network security # Lecture 1.1.CSC8 – NETWORKSECURITYKABUL EDUCATION UNIVERSITYC O M P U T E R S C I E N C E D E P A R T M E N TL E C T U R E R: I S L A H U D D I N J A L A LM A S T E R I N C Y B E R S E C U R I T Y9/16/2017 KABUL EDUCATION UNIVERSITY 1.First week course outlinesOverview of network security◦ Network security background◦ Definitions◦ How security became an issue◦ Areas of security◦ Security as a process◦ Attacks, services and mechanisms◦ Security goals◦ Network models9/16/2017 KABUL EDUCATION UNIVERSITY 2.Class PolicyA student must reach the class-room in time. Late comers may join the class but are not entitledto be marked present.Attendance shall be marked at the start of the class and students failing to secure 75%attendance will not be allowed to sit in final exam.The assignment submission deadline must be observed. In case of late submission, ten percentmay be deducted from each day.Those who are absent on the announcement date of the assignment/test. Must get thetopic/chapter of test/assignment confirmed through their peers.Mobile phones must be switched-off in the class-rooms.9/16/2017 KABUL EDUCATION UNIVERSITY 3.Grading Evaluation for Network SecurityInternal EvaluationMidterm Exam 20%Attendance 5%Assignment/Presentations 5%Quizzes/Tests 10%Total Internal Evaluation 40%Final-term ExaminationFinal-term Exam 60%Total Marks 100%9/16/2017 KABUL EDUCATION UNIVERSITY 4.What is Security? says:◦ 1.
Network Security Pdf Notes
Freedom from risk or danger; safety.◦ 2. Freedom from doubt, anxiety, or fear; confidence.◦ 3. Something that gives or assures safety, as:◦ 1. A group or department of private guards: Call building security if a visitor acts suspicious.◦ 2. Measures adopted by a government to prevent espionage, sabotage, or attack.◦ 3. Measures adopted, as by a business or homeowner, to prevent a crime such as burglaryor assault: Security was lax at the firm's smaller plant.etc.9/16/2017 KABUL EDUCATION UNIVERSITY 5.Why Do We Need Network Security?Protect vital information while still allowing access to those who need it◦ Trade secrets, medical records, etc.Provide authentication and access control for resourcesGuarantee availability of resources◦ Ex: 5 9’s (99.999% reliability)Safeguard Network from threats include internal and external threats.
Internal threats are themost serious. These threats often occur because best practices are not followed. For example,blank or default passwords are used, or in-house developers use insecure programmingpractices.