Dragon Lore Legend Begins

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Dragon Lore Legend Begins 7,0/10 8898 reviews

This is a game with pretty graphics from Cryo. Werner Von Hallenrod, having reached eighteen, sets off to prove himself worthy of joining the Dragon Knights, and incidentally discover the truth about his father's death. He needs votes from current Knights to be accepted. Some Knights exhort him to be bloodthirsty, others to take the path of wisdom (nonviolence). One refreshing character will accept a bribe in return for a positive vote.

A bar graph measures Werner's actions, growing towards violence or wisdom depending on his actions in certain circumstances. There are no conversations, only monologues from NPC's, as Werner never speaks in any way.

Dragon Lore Legend BeginsLegend

Perhaps he should have been christened Noel, the Silent Knight. Whatever, Werner heads out, kills some monsters, picks up a few spells, and finally arrives at Von Wallenrod castle. The rest of the game is taken up with a scavenger hunt in the castle, finding various objects and figuring out what to do with them. Some items are not easy to see, and every room must be scanned thoroughly to ensure not missing something important. While there is some fighting, it is similar to Alone In The Dark. Werner has no stats or skills, only a bar measuring his life force. Combat is simply equipping a weapon and bashing away, hoping you can outlast the monster.

Dragon Lore Legend Begins

Legend Lore Pathfinder

Magic is minimal. Two spells are one-time-only; fireball can be handy, if you have time to bring up the runes for it. Teleport, when finally obtained, allows Werner to move around the castle easily, and later the countryside, when he receives the magic map. This is the best feature of the game.2019-11-20 08:31:32.

It might be looking a bit dated and rough around the edges, but Dragon Lore is actually a pretty fun point-and-click adventure, in the style of. It's not without its faults, but there's something about it which makes it an enjoyable choice for fans of this style of thing, although the sequel, fares less well. You find yourself in the role of a young orphan in a fantasy-style world, whose father has been assassinated and who has entrusted you with looking after the family farm.

However, your father's killer, the Devil's Horseman, now has dark plans for the world, so it's your job to venture forth, take up arms and do everything you can to save your home from descending into darkness. What follows is a classic Cryo adventure, where you explore, speak to various bizarre characters and solve the many puzzles which bar your progress. This one sticks to the Cryo blueprint pretty much all the way, and it's this aspect which can be seen to be both its positive and negative aspect. It does look fairly ropy today, with some pretty ugly character and environment work, and some notably wobbly animation. The story too isn't great, with some uninteresting characters and a general sense of unoriginality.

The puzzles lack depth but are made awkward by the interface, and it's very easy to get stuck or lost because of this. The voice acting isn't great either, but there's something about the whole product which manages to get past these issues and if you do enjoy such games, you might find some enjoyment here. Dragon Lore: The Legend Beings is a fabulous fantasy point and click adventure game (like ) and a great treat for all fantasy fans. The plot is maybe a little typical for an adventure game - you are a simple farm boy who suddenly has to go on the adventure of his life fighting monsters, solving puzzles and discovering the big bright world. Of course, nothing is what it seems and the simple farm boy may not be just a farm boy. The gameplay is standard point and click style with 3D visuals from a first person perspective. The game has fantastic FMV sequences, extremely realistic voice acting and amazing visuals for 1995.

Legend Lore Spell

It's very dynamic with rich texture and color, and the first person perspective combined with very realistic visuals makes you believe you are really in the game. The design is great, everything is where it should be and the game is simple in its interface. The soundtrack is also amazing througout the game with authentic sounds making the realistic experience even deeper.

Dragon Lore - The Legend Begins 3do

This is one of the best adventure games I've seen and I highly recommend it.