Organizational Development By French And Bell

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.Organization Development: Behavioral Science Interventions for Organization Improvement.

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Organization Development - Intervention Processes.1.Organization Development: Intervention ProcessesJames HuntTrimester 3, 2012GSBS6120: Managing Organisational Change.A Review of Last Week’s LectureOrganisational DevelopmentDiagnostic Models and Theories1. Organisational Development and the Process of Change2. Action Research and Survey Feedback.3. Five Phases of Planned Change4. Diagnostic Models and TheoriesWeisbord’s Six Box ModelThe Nadler-Tushman Congruence ModelHornstein & Tichy’s Emergent Pragmatic ModelGrid Organization DevelopmentRensis Likert’s Four Systems – measuring and mapping organisational culture.Organization Development and the Process of Change.

OD is a planned process of change in an organisation’s system or sub-system. It normally draws upon behavioural science technology and management andorganisational theory.

It usually impacts on the total organisational system.Primary Distinguishing Characteristics of OD1. OD focuses on organisational culture and processes2. OD encourages collaboration between organisational members ofdifferent levels.3. Teams are considered to be vital to an organisation.4.

Organizational Development By French And Bell Free Download

OD focuses on the human, social, technological and structural aspectsof organisations.5. Participation and involvement in problem-solving efforts.6.

Organizational Development Book By French And Bell Pdf

OD focuses on total system change.7.